
Thief’s Magic by Trudi Canavan

I received this novel as an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I like fantasy but I have grown wary and weary of YA fantasy novels. Part of it is that I feel like that the story begins to revolve more around the character’s love lives and internal feelings on their…

Red Rising by Pierce Brown – Red Rising #1

I will admit that I can be a book snob at times. When I first saw this book, I really liked the way it looked and its general premise seemed interesting. But as soon as I read a couple pages and realized it took place in space, I dropped it and decided not to pursue…

Ugly by Margaret McHeyzer

I feel like I have been suffocating under the pressure of exams because I have literally had no breathing room for two whole weeks! Being in my last year of school has made me extremely tense because I have no guarantees for what I am going to be doing in my future and the only…

Strange Girl by Christopher Pike

My experience reading this book was a very funny one. At that time, I was studying for my positive psychology course, where we were learning about mindfulness and meditation and this “other Self”…. which is pretty much what this book is all about! I hadn’t expected this novel to turn out this way but it…

The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow

Recently, I’ve been feeling as if I’m too old to read teen fiction. It may have been because one of my friends scoffed at the fact that I was reading this novel, saying that I’m no longer a teen and shouldn’t be reading YA fiction. Well, to that I say, NO WAY! I love teen…

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

I AM BACK WITH MY OBSESSION FOR NEIL GAIMAN! I had to wait 4 months to get my hands on a copy of this novel; clearly I am a dedicated fan! Anyways, I don’t want to waste any more time so here is my review: Richard Mayhew is a young London businessman with a boring…